Is Your Why Big Enough?

          What is your WHY? 

No matter what we strive for in life there is always motivation behind what we do. 

-If we are trying to lose weight it's because we want to be more active for our children or maybe we want to rock those amazing jeans we wore during pre- baby.

- If we want to be debt free  it's because we want to be able go to on vacation without worrying how we are gonna pay the bills when we get home or we have children who eventually will need assistance with college. 

-Maybe we want to go back to school because we want to show our children that we can make our dreams come true. 

Once you can pinpoint what you want out of life then you can determine your why. Be careful though in selecting your WHY because if the reason is not big enough then you will always find an excuse. 

For example- let's say you want to lose weight because your best friend did and you want to look great like her. What personal connection do you have to your why other then wanting to look good? A better example would be that you want to lose weight because you want to show your children what a healthy lifestyle looks like and maybe prevent them from the same struggles you have had in the past with overeating.

  Do you notice a difference in those two statements? Both examples are about losing weight but one is so much deeper in meaning then the other.

Who Should Create a WHY? 

A why statement is so much more then sitting a goal for yourself. It is about living out your passions.  According to an article on Huff Post called Why Having a Strong Why Statement is the Key to staying Motivated and Focased.

 "Inspiration is never enough to keep you going when things get hard or when you lose momentum and feel like giving up"

So what are you waiting for?.........

Today is first day of the rest of your life. Live with purpose and discover what makes you tick.

Love Always, Magnesium Mama

Once of my Why's has always been about having more time with this sweet girl. I was able to find that with Jordan Essentials. This company has been more then just extra money when we needed it, but rather it's been about self growth. I have been able to learn leadership skills, strengthen my faith and also have a tribe of women who support me daily. If you are looking for a way to make your WHY happen in life JE might be the answer for you. Fill out my google form and I would love to send you more info


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