Who is the Magnesium Mama?

 Hello Everyone!
My name is Ashley Penner and welcome to my crazy beautiful life as a mama. I wish I could say motherhood is always glamorous but honestly I'm not sure I would ever describe myself as that.  I am a hot mess mama, and not the kind of hot mess that can look great on social media but deep down inside she has all these hidden flaws. This girl right here was given the great skill of not only being a hot mess but looking the part too! I wanted to start this blog because I felt like I had something to say. Many times we feel as mothers we have to have everything all together and girlfriend let me tell you what that is a LIE!
This is a blog about what real motherhood looks like. Being responsible for another human is hard work and if you are lucky enough to have more then one child more power to you. God has not blessed us with multiple children (YET)  but sometimes that feels like a blessing as I'm dealing with a headstrong 4 year old.  I want to showcase the RAW, embrace the humor and lock arms with others mama's who just need someone to lean on. It's true when they say it takes a village and with this blog I would love to be your village. So join me as we lock arms, embrace motherhood and enjoy this crazy ride together. 

Why Magnesium Mama? 
Many of you may wondering why do I call myself the Magnesium Mama. I'm sure the 2nd part is easy to understand since I have already explained that I am a mama to beautiful 4 year old girl but the Magnesium comes from my other love, Jordan Essentials. (now before you run away this is not a pushy sales blogs, Yes I am a consultant with JE, Yes I love the products and Yes I can hook you up but this blog is more then just amazing products it's about a mama living life) Before I discovered JE I had no idea what topical Magnesium was or how it would change my life. I will share my
testimony at another blog date but here is a crazy fact. The FDA reports that 55% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. What does that look like? Check out this image -------------->
How many things listed you currently are dealing with? I was probably like  you are now, super skeptical about how magnesium lotion could help with my pain. After having back surgery and carrying a toddler on my hip for way to long my pain was real and after one use I became an instant believer. Topical magnesium is one of the best ways to help with magnesium deficiency because your skin absorbs it super fast. I will dedicate an entire blog to the benefits of magnesium at a later date but if you are already intrigued you can fill out my google form and I would be happy to get a sample sent out. 
Just fill out some info for me at this link and I'll be in contact shortly! https://forms.gle/qCG9DMeemvMrWCwdA

Meet the Penner's

 The Penner Family consists of my husband Ernie, myself and our beautiful little girl Serenity. In September Ernie and I will be celebrating 3 years of marriage ( Yes that math doesn't add up but Jesus still loves us anyway) My husband works at a dairy running a machine that makes organic boxed milk. I work at a girls home and also have my Jordan Essentials business. Life isn't always perfect for us but we enjoy being perfectly imperfect. Serenity is currently enrolled in full time preschool this year and many changes will be heading our way. Serenity is my mini me and many times she is my spokesperson for my business ( When you have a cute face to advertise you roll with it). God has blessed our family in so many ways and it's easy to look at what we don't have but this blog is hopefully a way to highlight our blessings and remind you of your own. The saying goes "grass is always greener on the other side" but Mama grass is grass and we should be thankful we have a place to graze! Ernie and I have been friends since middle school. He even took me to a dance in high school. He sit on the sidelines the entire time while I danced the night away, which is a perfect example of our personalities. They are not lying when they said opposites attract. We have completely different tastes in practically everything but the common bond we share is our love for each other and our beautiful little girl.

I am new to this online blog thing but I have to say writing a blog is similar to working out, it seems hard and scary at first but once you finish you feel super accomplished. My goal for this blog it to post 1-2 blogs a week. I will have product based posts but also I want to share life with you all. Sometimes while hanging out with Serenity I'm struck with instant inspiration and I'm excited to have an outlet now to share with everyone.

Until We Meet Again,
-Magnesium Mama


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